The ‘original’ DraftStoppa® is an innovative and inexpensive self-seal casing for ceiling exhaust fans. Containing a set of balanced shutters which open when the fan is turned
I fitted one of your DraftStoppa units to our ensuite fan about 3 weeks ago. This bathroom used to get so hot I could hardly breathe in there, after fitting your DraftStoppa the same bathroom is much cooler. I am now saving for another unit for our main bathroom. The DraftStoppa certainly works. quotesright.
DraftStoppa certainly works.
The 'DraftStoppas'...
- Reduce heating and cooling costs
- Prevent hot or cold air from entering the home via the exhaust fan
- Prevent polluted air from entering other parts of the home
- Easy to install

Made entirely from recyclable, fire retardant materials, the DraftStoppa is simple to install and requires little maintenance and can be fitted over exhaust fans in new homes as well as being retro-fitted into established homes.